Friday, July 10, 2009

Today You Are Ugly. Tomorrow You Are Beautiful.

It's funny how we misunderstand UGLY.

If your skin is imperfect, well then, your ugly.
If your shape is imperfect, well then your ugly.
If your color is unacceptable then you are ugly.
If you are weak, then you are ugly.
If you are disabled, then you are ugly.
If you don't dress well, then you are ugly.
If your nose is to big, well then you are....

Ugly Ugly Ugly.
U-G-L-Y...You ain't got not alibi YOU'RE UGLY.

And we all should know that our outer shell is the first stop of perceived beauty.
This shell that breaks down daily, from birth to death. Smooth to wrinkles. Pimples to clearisil. Young to old. Muscle to fat. Lift to sag. Straight to bent. Even to crooked. Chemical Free to Chemical Dependency. Sweet to Smelly. Firm to Jelly.

One day you are Ugly...another day you are beautiful.

Ugly, however, whenever, it came to be in the mind of the beholder
Is just that. A mental thing. An idea for the moment.

Today you are ugly. Tomorrow you are beautiful.

Is it that certain chemical processes occur in our body when we perceive UGLY. Or perhaps our brain starts to fire electrical impulses that make us say "Damn You UGLY".

Is it innate? Are we born to know UGLY when we see it. Is it INSTINCTUAL? Or does society pick and choose, sort of like, the flavor of the day.

It's all about the Energy. The energy that gives the body light. The light behind the eyes.

The Energy that teaches us : What We See is not always What It Is.

What we feel, what we touch, what we sense. This feeling within YOU, that connects you to me or anyone else...that goes far deeper then any outer skin layer, shaped by bone structure, muscle and fat.

Is this not bigger than Ugly?

There is the connection and the spark. The Cosmic Injection. The Earth birth --> Life Moments---> Death ---> Earth Dirt. Continuously. Infinitely. This is the cycle of all physical bodies that sprout like plants and wither away into dust after seasons.

When we die, then Ugly ends. Our spirits live on. Non-Judgmental. Simply guiding and inspiring.

This spirit is the energy that infuses the body. We are vessels filled with the light. God Energy. The Spirit of God. For those who don't see or feel God, the Energy within is the same.


It is the Life Force that animates the physical body. It allows for the experience of being on Earth.

What We Think is UGLY is the MIRROR of You and I. Misperceived as Different. As something other than yourself.

Before You say "UGLY"... Let's all close our eyes.

Today You Are Ugly...Tomorrow You are Beautiful.

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