Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Family in Circle of Life

Thank goodness for the Goodness of family circle.
The round of relatives
The inner point with Soul Mate

A true feeling of connectivity
despite all the points beyond

The circle within the trees
the yard of peace, laughter, & sharing

Even in the city life settles down
regroup and bring all within

For the moments in the circle
a healing drumbeat by heartbeat
the givers of our life, the faces of
our futures. Reminders of the
great lessons from the past.

So glad the door be came open
& the Family Way was welcome In

to Our space.

A days delight, a grand nite
full of stories and laughter

A walk & talk with a Maker

The love of sharing

Minds left in Check.
Hearts on Deck.
Spirits Open.
Bodies Relaxin'.

The Family
In Circle
Of Life.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Relax Your Words Once in Awhile

The Sounds of Waves Live Longer Than You and I.